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Is the Golden Rule still golden?

How do we treat people who can’t offer us anything in return?

We’ve all had those days where it feels like our priorities take precedence over everyone else’s. The driver ahead of us is too slow, the person in line is taking forever to decide, or we simply feel like the world needs to move out of our way so we can tackle our never-ending to-do list. We tend to justify our impatience with “valid” reasons—maybe we have a flight to catch or an important meeting to get to—but to everyone else, we come across as rude, unloving, and self-centered.

I’ve been guilty of this more times than I can count. But recently, I was reminded of the Golden Rule, and it felt like the perfect time to reexamine how we treat others.

In a world that seems more self-centered and fast-paced than ever, it’s easy to wonder if the Golden Rule—“Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you” (Matthew 7:12, NLT)—still holds the same weight. Do we still strive to treat others with kindness, fairness, and respect, or has this timeless principle lost its place in today’s culture?

The Golden Rule isn’t just a nice sentiment or folky statement. It’s a profound command from Jesus himself that challenges us to put aside our self-interest and embrace empathy. It’s not always easy, but its power and relevance remain stronger than ever.

At its core, the Golden Rule is about empathy—putting ourselves in someone else’s shoes and treating them as we’d want to be treated. Jesus encapsulates this perfectly in Luke 6:31 (NLT): “Do to others as you would like them to do to you.” While it sounds simple, living it out requires a constant awareness of how our actions impact those around us.

Our culture often tells us to prioritize our own needs and desires, promoting personal success even at the expense of others. But the Golden Rule turns that narrative upside down. It calls us to extend the same grace, patience, and kindness that we desire for ourselves, even when there’s no reward or reciprocation. As the saying goes:

The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.

This is where the Golden Rule becomes truly challenging. How do we treat people who can’t offer us anything in return? What’s our attitude toward the overwhelmed waiter who’s taking too long, the customer service rep who’s working at a slower pace than we’d like, or the driver crawling along while distracted by their phone? The Golden Rule isn’t just for our closest friends and family—it’s a guideline for every interaction with every person we encounter.

5 Practical (and Fun) Ways to Live Out the Golden Rule

1) Hold the Snark
Before letting a sarcastic comment fly, ask yourself: Would I want to hear this? A little kindness can go a long way, and holding back that snarky remark might just save a relationship (or at least keep things civil!).

*Remember: People will pick up on your tone before they listen to your words. Adjusting how you say something can change the outcome of your conversations.

2) Compliment Like Confetti
Who doesn’t love a good compliment? The world would be drastically different for you and everyone else if we tossed compliments around like confetti at a celebration! Whether it’s someone’s outfit, smile, or even their ability to park perfectly in the spot you were waiting for, genuine compliments brighten everyone’s day.

*Remember: The more you look for small things to compliment, the more naturally it will come. It’s a win-win!

3) Patience: It’s Not Just for Yogis
Whether it’s a traffic jam, a long line, or the world’s slowest barista, we’ve all been there. Instead of letting frustration take over, show a little patience. You’d appreciate it if someone gave you some grace on your off days, too.

*Remember: Deep breathing can help you regain your calm when impatience starts to bubble up. Give it a try next time you’re feeling rushed!

4) Don’t Ghost, Toast
Don’t leave people hanging! Whether it’s replying to a message or following up on plans, keeping your communication game strong goes a long way. Everyone appreciates being acknowledged, so “toast” to good communication instead of ghosting!

*Remember: You don’t have to respond to every notification immediately. Sometimes a quick acknowledgment can be just as effective as a longer reply.

5) Pay It Forward, Ninja Style
Perform random acts of kindness without getting caught! Pay for someone’s coffee, leave an encouraging note, or hold the door for someone—and then vanish before they can thank you. Be a kindness ninja and keep the good vibes going.

*Remember: One of the best ways to show empathy for others is by giving without expecting anything in return. It’s a true reflection of the Golden Rule.

So, is the Golden Rule still golden? Absolutely. While the world around us may shift its priorities, the timeless value of treating others as we wish to be treated remains just as important today. The Golden Rule is a powerful tool for building healthier, more compassionate communities and relationships.

Jesus’ words in Matthew 7:12 (NLT) continue to resonate: “Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you…”

How can you apply the Golden Rule more intentionally in your life? Have there been moments where you’ve fallen short or opportunities where you could have shown more grace and kindness?

Take a moment to reflect on your relationships and interactions and consider how living out the Golden Rule can make a difference today.

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Failure-Friendly Parenting (pt3)

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