Need prayer for something?

If you want someone to earnestly pray for something, you can submit a request by clicking on the button below. We believe in the power of prayer and will never share any information or details of your request.

About Us

Our beliefs

We believe wholeheartedly in the power of keeping God first in the midst of life’s craziness, and how it can change a person, spouse, parent, and, ultimately, a generation.

We also believe that in any adult life, one of the most important areas of your life is your marriage. It can be the most rewarding, and at times, equally traumatic areas of your life but everyone can improve their marriage by adjusting their priorities in life.

In the Bible, the book of Matthew shares some great points regarding our belief in keeping God first. Specifically in Matthew chapter 6, starting in verse 31, and going to verse 34, the Bible sums up God’s promise regarding how to keep your priorities aligned in life.

31 “So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ 
32 These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. 
33 Seek the Kingdom of God above all else
, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.
34 “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.

Just those 4 verses say enough to apply to every day of anyone’s life in this crazy world. It is in that notion that we stand in a lifelong pursuit to put God first in all things. Though that effort is not perfect, or at times, even mildly consistent in daily life, we hope to share honestly and with transparency the struggle and significance in the pursuit.

We believe and have seen the power of what God can do in an individual, a marriage, and a family when God is the very first priority in the midst of life’s crazy. We hope, that as we share real-life experiences and struggles that other lives will be enlightened to a 633 marriage approach.

Can We Pray With You?

At 633, we believe in the power of prayer. Whether you are religious or not, believe in God or don’t, are a part of a religion that does or doesn’t align with our beliefs, or just have no idea what prayer is, that is ok.

If you are struggling, hurting, confused, stuck, lost, or without hope, we would be honored to pray for you. We NEVER reveal, share, or post any prayer requests that are submitted and ask that you do not provide your last name when submitting a prayer request to minimize the amount of personal data that is provided.

We ask for an email address in order to confirm the submission, and from time to time we will send emails of encouragement or support. We are not here to sell you anything or have any agenda.

Our goal is simply to share love, encouragement, and truth in hopes that it will benefit and improve your life and to stand in prayer for a person, spouse, parent, and, ultimately, a generation.

Prayer Request Form